
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Halva Mousse in Phyllo Cups

This is one of the easiest and quickest desserts I've ever come up with. I created them for Mediterranean Delicacies (whom I collaborate with often). The phyllo cups take a little time to make, but you can make them days in advance and just keep them in an airtight container. The mousse can also be frozen and served as a semifreddo which I love! Either way it's delish - so it's up to you...

Halva Mousse/Semifreddo

Mousse/Semifreddo :
100g Halva
125ml Cream Cheese
250ml Whipping Cream

Phyllo cups:
6 sheets Mediterranean Delicacies Phyllo Pastry
80ml Sugar
¾ tsp Cinnamon
50g Butter (Melted)

Pistachios to serve

Use a handheld mixer to whip the cream to stiff peaks.
In a separate bowl beat the halva and cream cheese together.
Fold the halva cream cheese through the cream until just combined.
Either cover and refrigerate for an hour for the mousse or line a tuppaware with clingfilm, spoon in the mousse and freeze for 4 hours to make a semifreddo.

Preheat oven to 180°C and grease  a muffin tray.
Mix together the sugar and cinnamon.
Lay the first sheet of phyllo out onto your work surface and brush with melted butter.
Repeat with the second layer.
Top with the third layer, brush with melted butter and sprinkle over half the cinnamon sugar.
Top with the fourth layer, brush with melted butter and sprinkle over half the cinnamon sugar.
Top with the fifth layer and brush with melted butter,
Seal with the sixth layer of pastry.
Cut the pastry layers into 9, equally sized squares (you’ll probably have a strip left over)
Press each square into a muffin casing to form a cup.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until crisp and golden.
Set aside to cool.

To serve: either cut the semifreddo into blocks or spoon the mousse into the cups, top with pistachios and serve. 

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