
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tomato tart

I descended upon Woolworths the other day and stumbled across a new product of theirs - a 1kg box of exotic tomatoes, the box had: yellow, pink, vine, tiger striped and cœur du bœuf (heart of beef) tomatoes - which to me was like finding a little treasure box of goodies! So I thought for a minute about what I might make - I wanted to make something that would show off all their beautiful colours and shapes - so I bought a roll of (all butter) puff pastry and set to work making a simple but seriously tasty tart.

I also bought some ripe brie, watercress and rocket to go with it. If you can't buy exotic tomotoes then you can just use a mixture of cherry and rosa tomatoes.

Tomato Tart

Ingredients: (serves 4-6)
1 roll ready made puff pastry
750g mixed tomatoes (quartered/halved/sliced depending on size)
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves
salt and pepper
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
balsamic glaze to serve

Preheat the oven to 200*C and grease a large rectangular baking tray.
Roll the pastry out onto the greased baking tray and cut off any uneven edges. Using the back edge of a knife, trace a border 1 1/2cm from the edge on the inside of the rectangle of pastry, this will allow the border to rise and frame the tomatoes.
Arrange the tomatoes within the border in any way you like, they can overlap slightly but not too much as you want then to all cook evenly.
Sprinkle over thyme, a little salt and pepper, sugar and olive oil and bake in the oven for 30min or until the pastry is crisp and golden brown and the tomatoes are cooked through.
Drizzle over a little balsamic glaze just before serving.
Serve hot or cold as it is or with slices of brie/camembert and a rocket and watercress salad dressed with a little lemon juice and olive oil.


  1. Ohhhh mmmmyyyy Word, this looks and sounds amazing. Can not wait for lunch to zip to Woolies to see if I can find your new treasure. We love anything tomato, so this would be amazingly perfect as a brunch for us... Thank you

    1. Thank you so much - it's very easy and tasty - you could even throw on some crispy bacon bits for brunch indulgence :)

  2. Oh my garsh, this is definitely going to topple me from my LCHF diet!

    1. Are you REALLY doing the LCHF diet? Can you still drink wine on it? If yes, then I can understand it, if no - then I don't think it could work ;) Thanks darlin xxx
