
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Salad Jars

I looooove me a salad jar - it's such a simple idea and yet it's just so clever - the reason your salads go soggy a few hours after making them as that you've been layering them in the wrong order - lettuce and leaves need to go on the top and the hardier ingredients, and those they seep any liquid over time, need to go on the bottom.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to cook the perfect steak

I investigated how to cook the perfect steak and after trying and testing the internet's best, I've come up with my conclusion:

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fig and Danish feta salad

Figs are in season in South Africa and I think it's bloody marvelous! Instead of just having them with a cheese board, I'm opting to use them as the hero in a salad, pairing them with salty Danish feta which works like a dream (you could also use blue cheese or holloumi) The peppery rocket and spinach really cut through the sweetness of the figs which helps bring all the flavours together. Damn, their good.